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The Chase Challenge Kindness Ball

New Check-In Registered For Ball #1214

Where It Happened..

Bruce E

Reported a new act of kindness in Portland, OR!

On 2022-11-03

Description of the act:

I was in a supermarket and I was in to purchase one item when I came to the cashier line a lady who is about to start her order with a large cart of groceries allowed me to go ahead of her. I could tell by her clothing and she was not a great means so after I purchased my one item I purchased her groceries for her …she begab crying saying it was a kindest thing that anyone has ever done for her and that she was a really tough times as of late I am truly blessed that she came into my life at this moment and so I could do something for her

See the latest check-ins for Kindness Ball # 1214:

Reported By Bruce E