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The Chase Challenge Kindness Ball

New Check-In Registered For Ball #11285

Where It Happened..

Shipman Myers Sara

Reported a new act of kindness in 36604!

On 2024-05-04

Description of the act:

A group of friends went to the jazz fest and New Orleans. As we were enjoying our time in the crowd, a young woman came up and liked my unique martini glass earrings. She asked if she could buy them from me seeing as they were a gift for my sister. I didn’t feel that that was appropriate. As we chatted on fun, jewelry, and life I realize she was full of life, beginning her career, etc., etc. After walking away and returning to my group, I realized how silly it is for us to be inclusive, and the intent my sister Gave them to me for happiness… I went back to the young woman and took out one of my earrings And said “ They are enough of a signature piece to only wear one “go forward do great things share kindness and use your voice” You thought I had handed her the keys to the Mercedes-Benz. That interaction has brought far more happiness than the two earrings. I hope there is a time where we are both wearing the single earring and create additional happiness around us.

See the latest check-ins for Kindness Ball # 11285:

Reported By Shipman Myers Sara